I like our President. He steps in dog doo every now and then.
Still! I am content with his performance in office. The news media likes to rough him up. I think he kind of likes it. He likes to banter and is not afraid.
That's what the news media hates about him. Our President is not afraid of the news media. They can't bend him to their collective will.
To date, I can't think of anything I vehemently object to his policy proposals. Indeed! He says things that can sometimes be disturbing, but sometimes our President needs to let people know that the United States is a sovereign country and we're not going to be bossed around by multi-national corporations, the UN, weak-kneed Europeans and Republican Congressmen unrestrained by term limits.
America needs to get back to manufacturing again. Our past leadership has made so many concessions to multi-national corporations so much that Americans can't make money WORKING anymore.
The way to create wealth is to take raw materials, capital tools, and human labor to make those raw materials into something more valuable than they were in their original state. This is how wealth is created. Wealth cannot be created by taking money from person A, giving it to person B and taking our "middle-man cut".
We need to make stuff! FREE TRADE WITH FREE PEOPLE. That is my motto.
When the United States is forced to compete with countries ruled by tyrants, we cannot play on a fair playing field. If that means protective tariffs, the option is ours and I find no fault with a President who offers this up as an alternative to countries that do not want to negotiate an equitable and fair trading relaitonship.
There are times when I feel that our President is a bit unsophisticated and undiplomatic about expressing this policy. Yet, I feel that most Americans have an intrinsic understanding of what he means even if doesn't articulate our policy preferences in diplomatic terms.
We have a President who is willing to confront countries that have been exploiting the American consumer for many years; decades without any push-back whatsoever. Let's not dismiss him just because the news media doesn't like him. I advise that we encourage our trading partners negotiate with us to hash out our differences with agreements that will stand the test of time. Our President has some very unique and effective negotiating skills. I believe we can benefit from them.
To do this, we have to tolerate a President who speaks plainly and bluntly to grievances that American workers have long gone without a champion. He's going to be with us until 2021. Get used to it! The verbiage may not be any more attractive than our President's funny "hair-do". So be it!
Let us get what we hired him to do.
I remain confident in our President's leadership. When that changes, I'll let you know.
There is NO Santa Claus