Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Trump wins!

Well wadda ya know!  "My guy" finally won. 

This is the first time I voted for the winner in a Presidential Election since 1996.  (Yah!  I know!  Don't go there!)

The Clintons used to be cute... 24 years ago.  Now, they're just old politicians who have overstayed their welcome. 

Hillary didn't know it, but she was (is) un-electable.  She couldn't win in 2008.  She barely survived a primary challenge from a senile, babbling old man.  Did she not get the memo?

Oh well!  Not my problem.  Eventually, I'll get sick of Trump too.  For now, it's nice to see someone who has some core Republican values.  These values aren't the ones you think.  These are core values that favor tariffs, and defend the dignity of the working class.  I'm talking about free trade for free people.  I'm not talking about duty-free trade with massive labor forces under-paid by tyrannical governments. 

I'm talking about physicians who can remain in private practice and not have to be employees of a monstrous corporation trading political favors with politicians.  I'm talking about college professors whose labor won't be promised out for "free" only to find themselves overworked and underpaid.

Those are my core hopes for a Trump presidency.  Free trade between free people.  Let's hope we get at least that.  The rest was just a lot of theater.


There is NO Santa Claus