Sunday, February 14, 2016
Ted Nugent, Jews, the NRA, and Gun Control
Unfortunately, the easiest place to start is noting that Ted Nugent's latest Facebook rant against Jews is anti-Semitic. It's just that simple. Jewish-Americans are not solely or uniquely responsible for gun-control. Blaming Jews for gun control and extending this to an assault on liberty is classical scapegoating anti-Semitism.
Let's say you don't agree with that. Consider this. There are many Jews (myself included) who advocate 2nd Amendment freedom. There are many philo-Semitic Christians who firmly support the Jewish State, oppose anti-Semitism and support 2nd Amendment freedom. In broad-brushing Jews as responsible for gun-control, Ted Nugent effectively split 2nd Amendment supporters and eroded support for the NRA at precisely the time when the "gun lobby" can least afford it. If the NRA leadership doesn't understand this, then their integrity comes into question.
All too often, Ted Nugent and others have evoked memories of the Shoah to make their case against gun control. This is history; ancient history. The thesis is valid. The tactic is ineffective.
It is reasonable to note that all too many Jewish-Americans support candidates (Jewish or otherwise) who support gun control. I find this quite frustrating. My Jewish peers who support 2nd Amendment rights also find this frustrating. No doubt, Ted Nugent finds it too frustrating to bear. Yet a far more compelling argument for Jewish American support for 2nd Amendment rights can be found in examining the plight of Jewish communities in Europe TODAY.
In Europe, Jews are totally dependent on the government for protection. Like the U.S., there are Jews to be found in the hierarchy of several European governments and it doesn't appear to help at all. Throughout Europe, many Jewish communities are literally under siege from anti-Semtic assaults.
Here in the United States, Jewish Americans have a precious right to own and possess firearms. We have the right and the ability to defend ourselves long before the police arrive. This ability not only deters assaults on Jewish Americans. It gives motivation to local police departments to be vigilant in protecting Jews and Jewish institutions in order to prevent protection from defaulting to individuals without police training.
Insulting Jews is no way to argue the case for 2nd Amendment rights. It is certainly no way to urge Jewish Americans to distance ourselves from political leaders promoting gun control. As such, a board member of the NRA like Ted Nugent could not have hurt the NRA more. If the NRA examines Ted Nugent's irresponsible and anti-Semitic statements, they ought to be able to reach a reasonable conclusion: Ted Nugent has no place on their Board.
For those of us, Jewish or otherwise, Ted Nugent is not helping to preserve the 2nd Amendment. He's hurting our efforts.
I urge you to write the NRA today. Tell them Ted Nugent has no place on the NRA Board.
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